Welcome To My Happy World
Jelly London
We’ve previously described 3D illustrator Eva Cremer’s style as continuously and consistently fun. Her brand new interactive website is no exception.
Featuring a homepage with a weird and wonderful animation that takes you on a journey through space to Eva’s “Happy Place”, a ‘Factory’ where users can build their own 3D Monster and a ‘Lab’ to show off her experimental work it’s the perfect antidote to our Coronavirus anxieties.
We delve into Eva’s mind to find out how this marvellously uplifting website came to be…

Hey Eva, we’re loving your new website and getting serious ‘Digital Willy Wonka’ vibes over here! How is the new website different to your previous website?
Exactly what I was going for! I wanted my new website to really show my personality and work in a unique way! The previous one felt way too static and corporate for my work. It was basically the well-known template one pager with a bunch of projects summed up. Nothing wrong with it, but it didn’t reflect my work! The previous website also included some old graphic design and branding work I did; my new website now has the full focus on 3D!
What was the thinking / design behind it? Why did you want to update or refresh things?
I felt like there was a gap between my website and my Instagram page: my website showed only the bigger projects, without the fun and my Instagram page was an overview of my work, but was missing a clear overview of clients and projects. I knew I wanted something in between: it should be something between showing your projects off in a nice way and at the same time having a bunch of illustrations together, showing my aesthetic and the more personal and experimental work. Therefore me and Studio Strindemarks, who built the website, came up with having “The Lab” next to the regular projects: a super nice way to show all my experiments, personal explorations and small projects!
We’re loving ‘The Factory’ can you tell us a bit about how you came about this idea and why you wanted it as a feature on your website?
I really wanted some interactive part in my website, just for fun and so people will hopefully remember my name! I imagined it would be so cool if people would be able to create a character with some basic body and facial features: “The Factory” was born! Visitors can pick their favourite body and drag and drop different things such as eyes, legs and arms. It has been so fun already seeing people playing around with it and sending me their results!
What’s the difference between the ‘projects’ and ‘the lab’ sections?
The projects section includes my bigger projects I’ve worked on or clients I’ve worked for multiple times. For example for The New York Times I did a few editorial images and animations that I bundled together as 1 project. It is nice to spotlight some projects as well as to give some extra background information! In the Lab you can basically find all my other work: anything from sketches and weird experiments to non used work or images made just for fun. Very very often clients refer to these kind of images that are little personal explorations or made just for fun, so The Lab is also a great way for clients to pick their favourite images to explain what they are looking for in the end result!
Do you have a ‘favourite’ section or part of your website? If so what is it?
I do really love the big eyes on top of the page following your cursor, but I have to see my favourite part might be the start of the website! At first it looked completely different with just a header and an overview of the website. I asked a friend for feedback on the website and she said: I think the homepage should be way more over the top as if you are really entering Eva’s happy world! I loved this idea and I created an animation that said exactly that: welcome to my happy world! I asked BXFTYS to add sound and that is the cherry on top: every-time I press the START button on the homepage, it makes me smile. I really hope other people will get that same feeling!
What We Do
We specialise in bold visual content and brand storytelling.