Why we love: Publishing & Editorial
We shine a light on the world of publishing and editorial illustration, from book covers to newspaper and article headers.

Here at Jelly, our wide range of illustrators, animators, and type designers mean that we are constantly working on briefs of all sizes, time-frames, and in all mediums. And as much as we enjoy the big commercial projects, we never forget our love of working on editorial and publishing briefs.

Scrolling through The Guardian‘s homepage and seeing an illustration by Alva Skog, or searching for a good holiday read and spotting Kelly Anna’s Penguin Books cover of ‘Beautiful Ruins’- every time we see an artist’s work out and about, we still get that fuzzy feeling. We love the feel of a nice bit of stock or a spot varnish cover or the smell of fresh print – there’s something so covetable about a beautifully designed book or brochure.
These kind of briefs are also something our artists really enjoy. This type of commission allows our artists to really exercise their conceptual muscles, whether they’re briefed to work from complex copy, or tasked with communicating a sensitive issue through powerful imagery or just to bring some light-heartedness to an article.

Amongst our stable of clients include The New Yorker, The Guardian, Penguin, The New York Times and many more. Our artists often enjoy the fast pace that these types of commissions entail; the quick turn around and the creative freedom that a bold publication or a trusted relationship with a client can bring about. They also often yield strong portfolio pieces our artists are proud of.

Something we are also super aware of is how often content is needed for digital platforms or editions and the evolution of illustration led animation is something we are hugely interested in and are actively pursuing amongst our roster.
Fancy having both illustration and type created for a book cover? Or need an illustration to accompany an article? For a one off or regular spot? In case you hadn’t noticed, we love doing it ; )
What We Do
We specialise in bold visual content and brand storytelling.