Channel 4 ‘The Fantastical Factory of Curious Craft’
An assortment of multi-coloured craft delights.
Matte Cooper was invited to create the title sequence for the upcoming Channel 4 crafting show – The Fantastical Factory of Curious Craft.
The brief was to create an opening that would sing with craft magic, filled with handmade and tactile wonders.
Matte designed a series of undefinable factory machines that come to life after the power switch is thrown, transforming mundane raw materials into an assortment of multi-coloured craft delights.

Over a period of months, Matte worked with the amazing model maker Miles Ascough who masterfully brought his designs into three dimensional reality, giving many of the machines real working mechanisms.
Everything was achieved in camera, brought to life using a mixture of hand puppeteered machines and stop motion, animated by Tim Allen (Isle of Dogs, Fantastic Mr Fox).

It took 9 people (many controlling more than one thing) to make the final factory explode (with confetti and smoke) resolving on the shows rotating logo!
Shot beautifully by the incredible Matthew Day in the basement of Clapham Road Studios, “it felt like we were all actually living in the real fantastical factory for a while”.

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