Honda ‘The Dreamer’
A mixed media adventure touting Honda's imaginative design process.
In ‘The Dreamer’ we take an exhilarating journey through the mind of a Honda designer, traveling through epic VFX x live action landscapes to show the limitlessness of creativity.
“We teamed with our friends at RPA for this acid romp inside a designer’s head. This was a really fun film for us to make from shooting with legendary cinematographer Bill Pope to taking concept designs and letting our imaginations run wild.”
Direction: Guto Terni / Vinicius Costa

How much of the car footage was CGI?
All cars were CGI!How much of the creative came from the agency and how much did ROOF add to the initial brief?
We were really fortunate that it pretty much was an open brief. The agency came to us and asked us to what comes out of the imagination of an engineer designing for Honda and we filled in the rest.
How much creative collaboration was there?
There was a lot of collaboration with the agency. We would brain storm with them about every idea and then present designs. They we very trusting of our ideas and let us try so many different things.How long was the production process?
For the main 60 second spot, it was about a 2.5 month process including design, shoot and all CG work.

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We support the next generation of creative talent through our Futures program
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